Glimmerprodukte von Krempel
Mica products

Mica tapes for the insulation of high-voltage machines

For conductor insulation, main insulation, flexible coil leads, flexible endwindings.


The insulation system of high-voltage machines consists of components that have to be optimally matched to each other. High-quality mica products are used as main and partial conductor insulation. Mica is a natural mineral with very good electrical insulation properties. It is primarily used in high-voltage applications.

The range of mica products manufactured by Krempel includes carrier materials such as glass fiber fabrics, high-temperature foils and non-woven fabrics that are impregnated and reinforced with synthetic resins. The resin-rich KREMICA.therm mica tapes are processed in the so-called resin-rich process (= hot pressing), the low-resin, porous KREMICA.por mica tapes in the VPI process (= vacuum pressure impregnation).

At Krempel, mica paper and mica shavings are processed on specially designed, state-of-the-art production facilities.

Mica tapes  Applications Structure



Conductor insulation, main insulation, flexible coil leads, flexible endwindings

Fabrics (e.g. glass) and/or films (e.g. PET; PI) + micapaper, resin-impregnated Resin-Rich-technique and VPI-technique
KREMICA.therm Main insulation Fabrics (e.g. glass) and/or films (e.g. PET; PI) + micapaper, high resin content Resin-Rich-technique
KREMICA.por Main insulation Fabrics (e.g. glass) and/or films (e.g. PET; PI) + micapaper, low resin content VPI-technique


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