
Epoxy prepreg system for maximum fire protection

Our latest composite innovation, the epoxy resin-based prepreg system KremGuard meets the highest FST fire protection requirements. It also offers excellent mechanical properties and is free of phenol, formaldehyde and halogens.


Fire protection redefined

Composite materials have become essential to mobility, enabling a range of innovations. In addition to lightweight properties, safety is the top priority when it comes to aircraft, rail or electric cars. A fire can have catastrophic consequences, in an emergency, every second counts for saving lives. The materials used in the aerospace, rail and automotive industries must therefore meet strict requirements for Fire, Smoke & Toxicity (FST) i.e. flammability, smoke density and smoke toxicity.

Our latest composite innovation, the epoxy resin-based prepreg system KremGuard, redefines the standards for low flame propagation, low smoke development and low toxicity. 


You can have confidence in this:

  • Meets the highest FST fire protection requirements – flammability,
    heat release and smoke development are reduced to a minimum
  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • Free from phenol, formaldehyde and halogens
  • Ideal choice for structural components and honeycomb sandwiches
  • Homogeneous, non-porous surface
  • Improved storability and shelf life compared to traditional phenolic systems

The best properties of epoxy & phenol

KremGuard - das Beste aus Epoxid und Phenol

During development, we combined the best properties of epoxy and phenol. The result: KremGuard.

Above all, KremGuard fulfills high fire and heat protection requirements. Even in complex composite structures, KremGuard is non-flammable, conducts little heat and generates hardly any smoke or toxic gases. These properties are achieved without the use of phenols, formaldehyde and halogens that harm our health and the environment. In addition, it has excellent mechanical properties and can be easily processed, even in the case of complex component shapes. The homogeneous, nonporous
can easily be coated, and integrated into your design. This makes KremGuard the optimum basis for use in interiors, exteriors, structural components and sandwich structures. Moreover: KremGuard outperforms existing phenolic systems at room temperature in terms of storability and shelf life.

KremGuard therefore sets a new standard for safety in the air, by rail and in terms of battery-operation on the road.


The strict safety and quality standards that are a prerequisite for applications in aircraft and trains are guaranteed with KremGuard: FAR 25, AIMS, AITM and EN45545 up to the highest classification HL3. In addition, KremGuard has been subjected to comprehensive testing with the UL Torch & Grid test. The result: KremGuard meets stringent fire protection requirements in a variety of applications, including automotive components and battery housings.

Icon Aviation


  • FAR 25
  • AIMS (Airbus Industries Material Specification)
  • AITM (Airbus Industries Test Method)
Icon Railway


  • EN 45545 HL3, R1, R7, R17
Icon Industry


  • UL-94 V0


Our portfolio:

  • Prepregs
  • Rigid laminates / laminate panels
  • Sandwich panels and components with a honeycomb structure
  • Components

KremGuard FST-Performance

Test/Property Unit Result Requirement Standard
Burn length (12 s ignition time) mm 34 203 AITM 2.0002-B
After flame time (12 s ignition time) s 0 15 AITM 2.0002-B
Drips (12 s ignition time) yes/no nein   AITM 2.0002-B
Burn length (60 s ignition time)
mm 58 152 AITM 2.0002-A
After flame time (60 s ignition time)
s 0 15 AITM 2.0002-A
Drips (60 s ignition time) yes/no nein   AITM 2.0002-A
Smoke density Ds 6 200 AITM2-0007
Heat release rate max kW/m² 40 < 65 AITM2-0006
Heat release - 2 min kW*min/m² 45 < 65 AITM-0006
Toxicity Test HCN (ppm) 4 150 AITM3-0005
Toxicity Test CO (ppm) 121 1000 AITM3-0005
Toxicity Test NOx (ppm) 11 100 AITM3-0005
Toxicity Test SO2 (ppm) 10 100 AITM3-0005
Toxicity Test HF (ppm) 0 100 AITM3-0005
Toxicity Test HCI (ppm) 0 150 AITM3-0005

The values given are typical values based on specific test specimens. Technical modifications reserved.

KremGuard mechanical values

Test material Test Result in N/mm² Requirement in N/mm² Standard
Unconditioned laminate Flexural strength - warp direction 539,8 >450 ISO 178
Unconditioned laminate Flexural strength - weft direction 467,6 >360 ISO 178
Unconditioned laminate E-Modul - warp direction 23188 >19000 ISO 178
Unconditioned laminate E-Modul - weft direction 21653 >17000 ISO 178
Laminate in Skydrol 500 h Flexural strength - warp direction 585 >360 ISO 178
Laminate in Skydrol 500 h E-Modul - warp direction 24104 >17000 ISO 178
Laminate in destilled water 500 h Flexural strength - warp direction 548 >370 ISO 178
Laminat in destilled water 500 h E-Modul - warp direction 23551 >17000 ISO 178
Honeycomb LN 29967 A4 9,4 Flexural strength - warp direction 1040 >700 AITM 1-0018

The values given are typical values based on specific test specimens. Technical modifications reserved.

Applications of KremGuard

KremGuard Anwendung Aviation Interieur

KremGuard can be used for robust walls, frames, doors and air conditioning ducts that effortlessly withstand everyday stresses. KremGuard combines long-lasting performance with aesthetic design.


KremGuard is suitable for bodywork and design elements. With coating it can withstand climatic conditions.

KremGuard Wabensandwich

KremGuard enables the production of robust, light-weight structural components with exceptional strength.

KremGuard Anwendung Aviation
KremGuard Anwendung Battery
KremGuard Anwendung Automotive
Marcus Münch, Head of Global Sales Mobility 
Contact me
Marcus Münch
Head of Global Sales Mobility
Krempel GmbH


  • KremGuard - Fire and Flame Safety
    1.72 MB PDF

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