Backsheets von Krempel für Solaranlagen, PV-Anlagen
Solar Technology

Protective backsheet laminates for solar modules

For the efficient and disruption-free generation of power from sunlight for decades.
From the pioneers of solar technology – committed to the protection of solar modules for over 30 years.

We have been closely involved in solar technology developments right from the start, and are proud to be known as a pioneer in the photovoltaics industry. A pioneer that has created innovations and set quality standards with its backsheet laminates for photovoltaic solar modules in an extremely wide range of technologies.

Our solutions for solar technology

We offer protection for all types of solar modules in the form of our protective backsheet laminate film:

  • Crystalline modules with fluoropolymers
  • Crystalline modules, fluoropolymer-free
  • Thin-film modules
  • Reverse-side contacting

We are committed to ensuring the protection of lives and technology in an efficient, reliable and responsible manner – and this includes the protection of solar modules.

As well as providing the essential electrical insulation, our backsheet laminates also protect against harmful environmental influences such as UV radiation, moisture, temperature fluctuations, microparticles and harmful gases. They work in any in climate on earth, regardless of whether they are integrated into a building or installed on a roof or in open spaces.

As a result, the modules work properly over their entire service life spanning several decades. With backsheets from Krempel, you can rest assured that your solar modules are guaranteed for 25 or 30 years.

Design, innovation & quality

In addition to insulation and protection, Krempel backsheets also meet the demanding design requirements of sustainable modern architecture. Our PV backsheet laminates are available in a variety of colours. Our transparent backsheets are suitable for Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) systems. They are an aesthetically pleasing addition to roof installations, glass structures or façade claddings. We also offer weight-reduced solutions with improved adhesion for integration into vehicles, whether these are passenger cars or commercial vehicles. There are no limits when it comes to creativity and application possibilities.

We are your trusted partner for new ideas and technologies. Together with our customers, we regularly work on pioneering projects aimed at increasing the efficiency of solar modules and optimising the associated manufacturing processes.

Backsheet laminates from Krempel are manufactured in Germany using only the very best raw materials and under the most stringent quality requirements, and comply with all international guidelines and certifications for the solar industry.

Backsheet laminates for solar panels from Krempel

You can have confidence in this:

Rückseite eines Solarpanels
  • Increased efficiency of your solar modules and production processes.
  • Reliable long-term protection over the entire service life of up to 30 years and more.
  • Protection in all climate regions on earth, even under extreme conditions.
  • Compliance with the most stringent design requirements.
  • Quality “Made in Germany”.
  • Certification to IEC 61730 for 1000 V and 1500 V system voltage, ISO 9001, IATF 16949, UL, TÜV/VDE, CPVT.
  • Competence and expertise from one of the pioneers of the solar industry.
  • Krempel is your flexible and innovative partner that goes beyond the norm.
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Solarpanel Aufdachmontage

Fassadenintegrierte Solarpanel

Fassadenintegrierte Solarpanel

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Flexible Solarmodule


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