Dry Transformers

The full range of insulation materials for dry and cast-resin transformers from a single source

Krempel offers the right insulation materials for any transformer – whether it’s for local grid transformers, transformers for industry, in buildings, solar parks, on- or off-shore wind power plants, on ships or in rail vehicles.

In electrical engineering, transformers play a crucial role in making electricity usable for a wide variety of end devices. Krempel offers the full range of insulation materials for dry and cast-resin transformers from a single source, perfectly designed to work together – whether it’s for grid transformers, transformers for industry, in buildings, solar parks, on- or off-shore wind power plants, on ships or in rail vehicles.

Our solutions for dry transformers

  • Layer insulation for low-voltage coils
  • Outer bandings for low-voltage coils
  • Edge strips for low-voltage coils
  • Supports and spacers for low-voltage coils
  • Core bandings
  • Insulation cylinders
  • Layer insulation for high-voltage coils
  • Cast-resin strengthening for high-voltage coils

Our portfolio of insulation materials includes:

  • Multi-layer insulation materials
  • Woven tapes and bandings
  • Supports, spacers and corner profiles

It includes all environmental, thermal and fire classes as well as all voltage ranges: Low, mid and high voltage.

It doesn’t matter what they are used for, all the materials have one thing in common: they support the exacting needs of transformer manufacturers and users when it comes to performance, service life, economy, efficiency and safety.

It goes without saying that all of our insulation materials meet current international standards. When it comes to setting new standards with genuine innovation, you can rely on us to bring you know-how and quality that’s Made in Germany as your partner.

Insulation materials for dry and cast-resin transformers from Krempel

You can have confidence in this:

  • Outstanding chemical resistance
  • Solutions for all thermal classes
  • Mechanical strength
  • High dielectric strength
Trockentransformator Schema mit Komponenten der Isolierung
1 2 3 4 5 6

Layer insulation

for LV coils

  • Multi-layer insulation with B-stage epoxy resin coating (thermal class 155)
  • Glass fabric with B-stage epoxy resin impregnation (thermal class 180)
  • NOMEX® with epoxy resin coating

Outer bandings

For LV coils

  • Threadreinforced polyester non-woven with B-stage epoxy resin impregnation (thermal class155) 

Spacer strips

For LV coils

  • Glass random non-woven with B-stage epoxy resin impregnation (thermal class 155)
  • Polyester non-woven with B-stage epoxy resin impregnation (thermal class 155)

Support and spacers

For LV coils

  • WACOSIT®- Corner profiles and dogbones (thermal class 155 / 180) 

Insulation cylinders

  • PET foil
  • NOMEX ®
  • PET nonowoven
  • Polyester film laminate

Available in different compositions.

Cast-resin reinforcement

For HV coils

  • Glass roving fabric with cured epoxy resin (thermal class 155)

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