Krempel im AFBW Kompetenzatlas
New material innovation in AFBW Source Book 2022

Krempel is at the forefront of know-how transfer of fibre-based materials

Krempel has outstanding know-how in the production and further development of fibre-based materials. On our coating, laminating, bonding, and prepreg impregnation lines, we produce flat semi­finished products, and 6-­daylight hot presses bring fiber composite boards from our own prepregs into shape.

Complex composite components are manufactured on our winding, autoclave, compression molding, or injection molding machines. Our products have gained an excellent reputation in electrical engineering, automotive, aerospace, railway, defense, and in medical engineering.

Source Book Of Fibre-Based Materials

Revised new edition available online now

Kompetenzatlas AFBW

Krempel is one of more than 150 members of the AFBW, the Alliance of Fibre-Based Materials Baden-Württemberg e.V. and is actively involved in the transfer of know-how between universities, scientific institutions and markets. Of course, we are also prominently represented in the Source Book Of Fibre-Based Materials, which was reissued in July 2022.

We continue to be at the forefront of the transfer of fibre-based materials know-how in Europe.

Flexibilized phenolic resin prepregs

Material innovation made by Krempel

Flexibilized phenolic tesin prepreg

Krempel has had decades of experience as a producer of composite materials for manufacturers of aircraft cabins and train interiors. The transportation, aerospace, and aviation industries are subject to strict fire, smoke, and toxicity regulations.

Our latest composite innovation is flexibilized phenolic resin prepregs. They offer both excellent dynamical and mechanical properties and compliance with the most stringent standards for low flame spread, low smoke, and low toxicity. They meet HL3 R1/R7 requirements, so they are also used in the sleeping and couchette sector.

For more detailed information, please download the PDF below.


Thomas Gilke, Vice President Global Sales
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Thomas Gilke
Vice President
Global Sales